Police Officer Work At Height Supervisor
An in-depth course for experienced Police Work at Height Operators who are required to progress into a supervisor role during work at height operations and training.
Who is this course for?
An in-depth course for experienced Police Work at Height Operators who are required to progress into a supervisor role during work at height operations and training.
The course is designed to provide the ability to select, apply and supervise appropriate safe systems of work for rope access and other working at height situations relevant to a specialist task. Included are the skills and knowledge necessary to safely supervise a Police rope access team and facilitate rescues where specialist officers are commonly tasked to operate. Also covered are the selection, inspection, care and maintenance of equipment.
This course is for Police Officers/Staff currently qualified as Police work at height operators. Entry onto this course may be by prior completion of the Lyon Police Officer Work at Height – Operator course or suitable evidence of a current equivalent level of competence. Candidates must be medically fit and healthy
The course includes both theoretical and practical training, with the practical sessions taking place in our dedicated training facility at Tebay.
Course Details
Duration: 5 Days
Venue: Lyon Equipment Work and Rescue Training Centre
Course Code: LT43s
Cost Excl VAT: £899
Police Work At Height Supervisor
There are currently no scheduled courses available or existing courses are fully booked. Please contact us.
Course Content
Each course will include:
- Relevant legislation and its application to rope rescue
- Care, maintenance, checking, inspection, lifespan and disposal of equipment
- PPE system selection, application and supervision to include:
- Work restraint systems on roofs
- Work Positioning and fall arrest including rescue systems
- Advanced rigging, System Analysis & Safety Factors
- Pick-off rescues
- Raising a rescue load using simple and compound pulley systems
- Lowering a rescue load
- Solutions for negotiating difficult access & egress operational issues
- Use of artificial high directional anchors
- Management of the hazards and risks associated with Police rope activities and associated control measures
- Command, control and communications for rope operations
- Medical considerations during rescue, including suspension intolerance
The course assessment is by short written test and continuous practical assessment by Lyon staff. The course will culminate in a multi-activity, scenario-based assessment under simulated operational conditions, with candidates taking the role of the Police Rope Access Supervisor to a team of Operators.
A certificate of attendance and test and ID card record of training will be issued to successful candidates.
Certificate valid for three years from date of assessment.
Contact us if you require more information. Email: