Rope Rescue

Rope Rescue Operator

For Emergency Services personnel and those who are required to fulfil the role of Rope Rescue Operator within a rescue team.

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Who is this course for?

Emergency Services personnel and those who are required to fulfil the role of Rope Rescue Operator within a rescue team.

The course will provide the knowledge, skills and understanding to allow you to operate safely and effectively during rope rescue activities in your workplace, whether that be a ‘built’ or ‘natural’ environment. Includes access to and from the incident site, rescue system construction and operation (with and without a stretcher).


Due to the nature of the training candidates should confirm that they are medically fit and healthy prior to attendingthe course.
The minimum age of candidates is 18 years.
The course is designed for workers and Emergency Services personnel who already have basic experience of work at height. Ideally course applicants will have completed the Lyon 1 day Work at Height course (or equivalent)
Note: Members of Mountain and Cave Rescue Teams holding full ‘Operational’ status may gain direct access to the course. Confirmation of this status will be required.

Course Details

Duration: 5 Days
Venue: Lyon Equipment (training may also be available at customers’ own venue)
Course Code LT36
Cost Excl VAT: £899

Rope Rescue Operator

There are currently no scheduled courses available or existing courses are fully booked. Please contact us.

Course Content

The course itself has a very ‘hands-on’ bias, with the practical sessions taking place either in our dedicated training facility at Tebay or at a number of nearby ‘natural’ venues as appropriate. Student to instructor ratio will not exceed 4:1.

Each course will cover:

  • An appreciation of legislation applicable to rope rescue
  • The hazards and risks associated with rope rescue activities and associated personal control measures
  • Typical sequence of events for rescue
  • Access to and from an incident site using working at height and basic rope access techniques
  • Anchor system construction
  • Twin line working principles and operation
  • Before use checks of PPE and rescue equipment
  • Rescue system construction and operation – with and without a stretcher for:
  • Pick-off rescues
  • Raising a rescue load using pulley systems
  • Lowering a rescue load
  • Introduction to use of tensioned guiding lines and cableways
  • An appreciation of medical considerations during rescue

The course assessment is by short written test and continuous practical assessment by Lyon staff. The course will culminate in a multi-activity, scenario based assessment under simulated operational conditions, with candidates fulfilling the role of Rope Rescue Operator and a member of the Lyon staff acting as Rope Rescue Supervisor.


A certificate of attendance and test and ID card record of training will be issued to successful candidates.
Certificate valid for three years from date of assessment.
Following successful completion of this course, those nominated for supervisory duties may progress to our Rope Rescue Supervisor course. Details of this and other courses are available on request.

Contact us if you require more information. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. // Phone: 015396 24040

Lyon Equipment

Lyon Equipment Limited
Unit 3-7 Tebay Business Park, Old Tebay, Penrith
Cumbria. CA10 3SS
Tel: +44 (0)15396 24040

Lyon Equipment Limited is a company registered in England and Wales. Registration Number 3107118

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