Booking Procedure

Course bookings can be made by completing the on-line booking process or by using the Lyon course booking form. Directions, course start times and an accommodation list will be sent on confirmation of your booking.


The course fee must be paid in full no later than 15 working days prior to the start of the course.
A provisional booking will not be accepted as confirmed until full payment is received.
Lyon reserves the right to re-allocate the course place to another delegate if fees are not paid on time.
Please note that these payment conditions override any credit terms held by existing account customers.

Cancelling Courses

All cancellations must be made at least 15 working days prior to the start of the course.
If the booking is cancelled within 15 working days prior to the start date of the course, or if a delegate fails to attend the course, there will be no refund of fees.

Transferring Courses

If a delegate wishes to transfer a booking, within 15 working days prior to the original course date, to a later date, there will be a surcharge of 25% of the course fee. Course bookings cannot be transferred more than once. If that transfer is subsequently cancelled the surcharge will remain payable. All transfer charges must be paid on receipt of the invoice.

Changing Delegate Details

There will be no charge if a substitute person wishes to replace the original delegate. Please inform our office of any change to the original booking prior to the day of your course commencing.

Course Content

Lyon training courses undergo frequent review and updates. We reserve the right to alter any of the courses’ content without prior notice.
Our training manuals are provided in English. Please contact us prior to course booking if you have any special requirements.
Our training courses are based on UK legislation.

Cancellation of Courses by Lyon Equipment

Lyon reserves the right to cancel a course at any time without liability. In these circumstances, delegates will be offered an alternative date, a credit note or a full refund. We will endeavour to give as much notice as possible in the event of a cancellation by us

Health & Safety

Lyon reserves the right to refuse entry of any delegate to the course.
Lyon reserves the right to remove a delegate from the course if the delegate’s action puts themselves, or others, at risk.

Data Protection Act 2018

Personal data collected will be used for the purpose of delegate and course administration as required by Lyon Equipment and may be disclosed to appropriate bodies/organisations associated with such course. Contact details supplied to Lyon Equipment will not be passed on to any other third parties without prior agreement.
Lyon Equipment will only send communication to any delegate or organisation agreeing that their details are used for such purpose.
Lyon Equipment proactively manages all marketing communications to enable delegates and organisations to opt out from further communication at any time.
Lyon Equipment will not contact any delegate or organisation that have previously unsubscribed from email or newsletters.


It should be understood that work at height courses, of all levels, place both physical and mental demands on those taking part.
Ideally candidates will be in possession of an appropriate full industrial medical certificate.
The primary purpose of a medical fitness assessment for work is to ensure that an individual is fit to perform the task they are required to carry out, without putting their own or others (e.g. work colleagues or fellow training course delegates) health and safety at risk.

Certain medical conditions are definite contra-indications to safe and effective work at height.

These conditions include, but are not limited to, the following:

If any of the conditions listed above apply to you, please advise us. You will not necessarily be excluded from all elements of the training course.

Please also inform us if you are at present on any form of medication (e.g. salbutamol for asthma), receiving treatment or medical advice that may affect your fitness to work at height.

If you do not have a medical certificate addressing these points, before you commence training, you will be required to sign the following statement:

“To the best of my knowledge I do not suffer from any mental or physical condition, including, but not limited to, those mentioned above, which could interfere with my ability to work at height in a satisfactory and safe manner or put myself or others at risk through my participation in these activities.”

We reserve the right to refuse training to any person without an appropriate medical certificate or who is unwilling to sign the above statement.